Fuck off! I’m still alive!

Recently I heard someone say, that it’s okay to steal my style and ideas because I stopped making art. Do you know why I don’t post any drawings anymore?
Because I’m sick and tired of my ideas getting stolen all the time.

I guess I was naiv. 666 of my 800 followers are my collegues.
I could have seen it coming, had I just had more self-esteem.
I was an easy target: good ideas but pretty unknown.
Now my style is „a style“ and most people who use it, don’t know where it comes from. And if they know, they find ways to justify their behavior:
„See it as a compliment.“ „Nobody knows you anyways.“ „You shouldn’t have posted this high quality content on instagram.“

So now, what can I do?
Only work with publishers? .. Yes, but this takes time.. and in the meantime?
I can’t do anything but hide myself now.
I stopped self-publishing. My instagram is on private mode and for the last two years I did #inktober secretly.
This is one of the drawings that I made this year. If you want to steal it, I can’t stop you. Just know, that I don’t approve of it.

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